convincing arguments, naming process

Best argument for hiring a naming specialist

Best namers know exactly how to say it:D The Beginning Coffee Brewery Logo

“And you know what I’m going to say: Send me about five grand and scratch “come up with new company name” off of your To-Do list. Think how often you use the front door of your office. What did you pay for that door? Think how often you use your desk. What did you pay for that desk? Think of how often you use your computer. What did you pay for that computer? Now, think of how often you or your customers or your employees or your investors will use the company name. How often will they say it, how often will they type it, how often will they write it down? How often will it be printed on your little league team’s t-shirts? How often will you have to say it in a crowded cocktail party? How many of your customers will need to use the name – 90%? 95%? 99% How many times in your first year of operation will you say, write, or type the name? Now, if you needed a fine door, you’d go to a carpenter. When you needed an impressive desk, you went to a furniture store. When you needed an up-to-date, hard-working computer, did you make it yourself (I know, some people do)? So, now you need a name. Imagine what-all work that name is going to have to do, think about how powerful, useful, and alluring it will have to be. Why are you making it yourself? Call a carpenter.” Name Consultant – Mark Gunnion


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